The businessman, Ștefan Mandachi, continues to invest in tools for personal development and launches a new product, this time for children and teenagers. The first personal development guide for children, “Caietul viritoului meu”, was launched on January 20, at Diverta Lipscani, Bucharest, in the presence of over 100 parents, children and teachers. At the event, Ștefan Mandachi and his special guests, Mirela Retegan, founder of Gașca Zurli and Claudia Chiru, teacher and entrepreneur, talked about their childhood dreams and how they managed to fulfill them.
“My grandmother wanted me to be an actor, she was fascinated by Bobby from Dallas. Instead, my grandfather wanted me to become a priest and he was sure that the priesthood was the way to prosperity, to freedom and to respect. My father wanted me not to end up in the military like he was. He wanted me to become a lawyer. And my mother wanted me to become what my father wanted. However, no one asked me, with subject and predicate, what I want from life, what is my <<Why?>>, what is my passion. I wanted to discover my true potential. So I started to write”, states the entrepreneur Ștefan Mandachi.
“Caietul Viitorului Meu” is thought and created together with specialists, psychologists and teachers, but it is based on the structure of the dream notebooks that Ștefan started filling in since he was 10 years old. In the end, he became a lawyer, but after two years of practicing he had the courage to quit and became a businessman. In 2019, he created a dream notebook, designed for adults. The reactions of those working on the notebook encouraged him to build a tool dedicated to children as well.
“Everyone around the children pulls at them with love, each one wanting to share his vocation, his dreams. But the child needs an ally, clarity. Why? Because inside us is a deposit called vocation. And the vocation can only take shape when we fulfill the life of our dreams”, Ștefan Mandachi concluded his speech in front of the children and parents present at the launch.
Mirela Retegan has wanted to be an educator for as long as she can remember, but she failed to pass the exam at the pedagogical high school. But he taught the children to look deep within themselves and discover the root of their dream. What she does today is aligned with her vocation, even if in a different form.
“My grandmother wanted me to become a priestess, because priestesses took her to the country best. The whole village worked for them. My mother wanted me to become a military officer. To have a uniform, to stop spending money on clothes. To make it easy for me to manage in life. Dad was the only adult in my life who wanted me to be happy. And I wanted to become an educator or teacher. It was the dream of my life, because I knew that I really like children and most of all I love inventing games, creating events and programs for them. Since I was little, when we were playing behind the block, we gathered the children and held contests, competitions”, said Mirela Retegan, the founder of Gașca Zurli, during the event.
Claudia Chiru, a teacher at a state school in Bucharest, has already started working with the children on the “Caietul Viitorului Meu” and promised to be their mentor in the process of personal development.
“I worked at school with my students on the notebook and they really liked this tool. We will continue to work on the dreams we have since childhood and we will work on them with a certain intensity every day. I had two big dreams in life – one was to become a teacher and another was to fly. I fulfilled both. I always knew I wanted to become a teacher. Every day I thought about what I was going to do and every day I sent energy into my dream. This tool is very important and very useful, and I promise, if they want, that I will be their mentor on this journey, I will help them go through all the pages and think about everything that they do not dare to say out loud and dream.” said Claudia Chiru, teacher.
“Both children and parents should start each morning like this: I can, I deserve it! Without dreaming, without knowing what you want and without trusting yourself, you can’t get everything you deserve”, emphasized Mihaela Tudor, project coordinator and entrepreneur.
At the end of the launch event, the children present played and learned what are the ingredients they need on their way to fulfilling their dreams. The “Exercise dreams” workshop was supported by Alexandra Cozac, author of several planners, who worked with over 350 children in workshops about the power of healthy habits.
The guide is intended for children over 8 years old, whom it helps to discover their vocation, to set long-term goals and to follow them. Created under the slogan “Know who you are and succeed!”, My Future Notebook has 185 pages and is structured into two main sections. The first part contains a strategy for implementing dreams, how they should be written and how we set the intention of fulfillment. Also here, the little ones have the necessary space to write up to 25 dreams. These practical exercises will help children discover their vocation. The second section has a foundational role in the education of young people. They learn rules that are the basis of a successful person, discover their values and abilities, write their family story, understand how to behave with other children, put into practice healthy habits and organize their time. This section is full of interesting challenges and practical exercises designed by experts in such a way that the accumulation of information can be done as easily as possible.
“Caietul Viitorului Meu” can be ordered on and
Ștefan Mandachi invested 1.8 million euros in the mentorMag education platform
After selling all HoReCa operations, including the company that owns the Spartan franchise, Mandachi invested exclusively in the field of online educational applications, a market in which he sees huge growth potential.
“I will invest massively in online education as the market is large, open and in its infancy. The platform will be a place where mentors and disciples will connect in a unique way, because the performance of one will depend on the involvement and dedication of the other. It will be something innovative”, declared the businessman from Suceava when the platform was launched.
MentorMag is an e-learning platform that already has a community of 12,000 people on Facebook, 56,000 likes and over 7,000 followers on TikTok.
Ștefan Mandachi is one of the most followed Romanian entrepreneurs in the online environment, his channels about entrepreneurial education have a community of approximately 1,000,000 followers. In the summer of 2023, Ștefan Mandachi launched Franchise Generator, the first mentoring program for Romanian entrepreneurs who want to transform their business into a franchise chain.